Total price€52,50

Product Description

Cherry Bomb is a sublime cherry scented shampoo with high foaming and anti-marring properties suitable for everyday vehicle washing. Cherry Bomb is a pH-balanced shampoo, safe to us on all exterior surfaces and will not remove or effect any existing waxes or protection on the vehicle. Cherry Bomb will provide a super slick lubrication to your wash mitt or brush, as it glides across the surface removing all surface dirt and grime.

Rinse down the vehicle before washing, use a pre-wash if required. Simply dilute 50ml Cherry Bomb to approximately 5 litres of water and agitate, creating a super foamy shampoo. Rinse your wash mitt / wash brush, ensuring it is clean and free from debris. Start washing from the top of the vehicle working your way down to the lower areas, Rinse with clean water and chamois dry.

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